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newbie tanya. good standing & bad standing.

Discussion in 'Youtube Adsense' started by cahpinter, May 18, 2014.

  1. cahpinter

    cahpinter Ads.id Starter

    Jun 20, 2010
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    mau tanya, account status saya di youtube. --- Copyright Bad standing • Expires Jun 8, 2014 Blocked videos Video deleted Video deleted Video deleted Video deleted Video deleted View all blocked videos Because your account is in bad standing, you've lost access to some YouTube features. --- itu maksudnya apa ya?? apa setelah tanggal 8 jun 2014. nanti akan bisa berubah jadi good Standing ? atau gimana? pertanyaan lagi, trus video yang saya upload, ada tulisan " matched with other thirt party" itu masih aman enggak ya? atau hanya yang gak ada notice nya aja yang boleh di monitize? mohon jawaban. masih newbie banget. thank.
  2. jakazulham

    jakazulham Ads.id Pro

    May 3, 2014
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    Mungkin ada video kamu gan yang mengandung copyright orang lain? coba cek lagi..

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