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Mohon pencerahan !

Discussion in 'Love Letter' started by spirit, May 26, 2008.

  1. spirit

    spirit Newbie

    May 26, 2008
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    Sekitar 2 bln yg lalu saya menerima PIN dari Google berupa kartu pos, karena earning saya blm sampai $100, maka saya memutuskan untuk menunda pengiriman cek dengan tidak memasukkan PIN.

    Kemarin saya mendapat email dari google yang isi nya :

    According to our records, you have not yet entered your Personal Identification Number (PIN) for your Google AdSense account. Please be aware that if you do not enter your PIN within the next 60 days, your account will be disabled and your unpaid earnings will be refunded to the appropriate advertisers. For more information on our PIN policy, please visit http://www.google.com/adsensepininfo .

    If you haven't received your PIN in the mail or if it has been lost, you may request a replacement by following the instructions at http://www.google.com/adsensenewpin .

    If you have already requested the maximum of 2 replacement PINs, please respond to this email and one of our specialists will be happy to assist you.

    Should you wish to close your AdSense account at this time, no further action is required from you. However, we hope you will continue with the program and are looking forward to helping you monetize your website with Google ads.


    The Google AdSense Team

    Apa yang harus saya lakukan mengingat earning saya di google belum mencapai $100 dan saya belum mau melakukan pengiriman cek ?
    Apakah email itu diabaikan saja ?

    Thx for help :senyum:
  2. born2learn

    born2learn Hero

    May 8, 2006
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    Pemalang - Jateng
    Mas spirit, PIN-nya dimasukin aja. Ini untuk memastikan bahwa alamat kita memang benar. Tentang pembayaran, secara otomatis setelah earning dah mencapai $100 atau lebih, baru deh ceknya dikirim. Selamat ya mas Spirit. Semoga membantu.
  3. spirit

    spirit Newbie

    May 26, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Thx banyak Bro atas pencerahannya.

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