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mau tanya adsense :bahasa tidak didukung

Discussion in 'Bengkel AdSense' started by alcoplox, Oct 17, 2012.

  1. alcoplox

    alcoplox Newbie

    Mar 16, 2010
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    Please update your account information below and click 'Resubmit' to continue. If your application was not accepted due to issues with your website, please make sure that you have resolved them before resubmitting.
    Account Type
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    ! Important - Your payment will be sent to the address below. Please complete all fields that apply to your address, such as a full name, full street name and house or apartment number, and accurate country, ZIP code, and city. Example.

    Maaf sy mau tanya.
    klo coba daftar adsense, trus salah masukin negara, masukinnya Country or territory: indonesia (saking nasionalisnya mungkin,hehe)
    pas cek di emel Masalah:
    - Bahasa Tidak Didukung

    cara ngeresetnya gimana ya...biar choice countrynya kosong lagi.kok kayak ke lock yaa..gak bisa edit negarany.
    apa ada settingan yang salah di blogspotny.

    mohon maaf klo salah kamer

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