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[WTS] Jasa Review Bergaransi

Discussion in 'Service' started by riezea, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. riezea

    riezea (55) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Dec 30, 2008
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    /Didalam Hati Setiap Wanita/
    Langsung aja setelah lama pending, saya buka kembali jasa review only [bergaransi]
    kalo di reject advertiser uang saya kembalikan full

    Harga : $1 per 200 kata
    $1,75 per 300

    max pengerjaan 1 x 24 jam

    via Paypal

    kouta per hari cuma 10-15 review aja, max pengerjaan 1 x 24 jam

    jam kerja : tiap hari (06.00 - 22.00) kecuali ada tugas luar kota

    YM : riezea_talent@yahoo.com

    email : fabisnis@gmail.com

    SMS : 0877 164 900 76

    silahkan kirim detail lewat email, Insya Allah akan segera di konfirmasi

    contoh review :
    Getting pain is really annoying for many people; especially for back pain, back pain relief is quite a huge segment for many people, because they struggle with lower back pain quite a bit. Back pain is not a disease but a symptom of other diseases such as kidney disease, appendicitis, pelvic infections, ovarian and bladder dysfunction in others. Nerve root syndrome, muscle-and pan syndromes, infections of the bones of the spine and a cancer also lead to back pain.

    The symptom is the pain, and if the pain is treated, obviously with pain killers, the pain is going to be removed, yes, taken away, dulled, suppressed, use whatever word you want to, but that effect will last as long as power of the pain killers last.

    Once the effect of those pain killers wear off, the pain will return, because in treating the symptoms, the cause of the pain, the reason for the pain, the source of the pain, has not been addressed. On the bright side, you can prevent most back pain such as low back pain. People must know the importance of getting the proper treatment, it will heal you pain effectively. Aspen Medical Products has released a good product to relief your pain such as for spinal stenosis.

    To get the lasting relief that you imagined you would get, you must look further, deeper, and much deeper than the symptoms and the conditions that are presented. There is no point in trying anything and everything, like even going out and buying product from Aspen Medical. You will get benefits from it and cure your back pain.

    We have a good home condition everyday, our home protect us from cold winter or hot summer. We know that our cooling and heating system are working perfectly. But we don’t know how it will get problems later. Taking care about it is very importance; there may be things going on that you are unaware of. Its better to call your local HVAC supply and service company. Make an appointment for annual service.

    As we know that the meaning of HVAC is heating, ventilating, and air conditioning. It is your furnace and ac unit. It may be a heat pump and back up heat system.

    Some of your HVAC troubles can cost a lot of money. Some are far more important that just money. If you have a gas furnace, it put off carbon monoxide as it heats your home. Normally, this gas escapes to the outside. However, you furnace may not vent properly, if it has problems. When a professional checks your furnace, he will make certain that all is well. This may save you many headaches in the future.

    When you have a furnace, there is another danger to consider. If they burn oil or gas, there is always the possibility of fire. Dust and dirt can become a hazard, if it builds up. You need to keep the system clean. Cracked or worn out parts can also be a major problem. If you have it serviced regularly, these things may be avoided.

    It is important to catch problems when they are minor. In some cases, a worn or defective part may affect other parts of your system. If caught early enough, they can be fixed before it gets worse. It may be the difference between a simple and very expensive repair.

    You’ve better to service your HVAC system regularly to keep it system last a long time for your home and your family. If you avoid keeping it service regularly, you will let your money out from your pocket if you get problem later.
  2. cutlem2009

    cutlem2009 (200) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Nov 30, 2009
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    Cek email om .. semoga ditunggu ya ;)
  3. moffey

    moffey (170) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Mar 28, 2010
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    wah... ane lho yang menyundul thread lawasnya musti dapet gift nih ane :D!!!
  4. riezea

    riezea (55) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Dec 30, 2008
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    /Didalam Hati Setiap Wanita/
    @cutlem : report dah dikirim,,mohon diperiksa
    @moffey: masih ingat aja bro,,:silau:

    --- Update ---

    Ayo silahkan di pesan masih buka dengan max pengerjaan 1 x 24 jam :silau:

    --- Update ---

    selamat pagi, silahkan di pesan mumpung masih pagi,,biar cepat di konfirm silahkan sms :senyum:
  5. cutlem2009

    cutlem2009 (200) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Nov 30, 2009
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    Mantap om .. tepat waktu sesuai janjinya .. akhirnya pagi ini dah bisa payout ;)
    Thanks om.

    --- Update ---

    iTrader sent om ;)
  6. riezea

    riezea (55) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Dec 30, 2008
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    /Didalam Hati Setiap Wanita/
    Trima kasih mas, mudahan memuaskan dtunggu order berikutnya
    itrader siap dlempar
  7. hebohmania

    hebohmania (144) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Feb 10, 2010
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  8. riezea

    riezea (55) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Dec 30, 2008
    Likes Received:
    /Didalam Hati Setiap Wanita/
    Pm dbalas,:senyum:

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