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How Google/Yahoo/MSN creates the description of your website for the result page

Discussion in 'SEO' started by kangkenyot, Jan 30, 2008.

  1. kangkenyot

    kangkenyot Super Hero

    Nov 2, 2006
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    gak jau dari puser wanita cantik
    copy n paste dari Alexandra's Search Engine Facts newsletter

    Having high rankings on search engines is a great thing. However, it's also important that your web pages are displayed with an attractive description in the search results. If the description is not appealing to web surfers then they might not click the link.

    How do Google, Yahoo and MSN/Live create the descriptions and snippets that are used in the search results?

    How Google creates descriptions and snippets

    Google seems to use the description from the meta description tag if you search for a page by its URL, or if the searched keywords do not appear within the found page.

    If the found web page doesn't have a meta description tag then Google seems to use the sentence that contains the searched keyword as the description.

    If a web page is listed in the Open Directory Project (DMOZ.org) then Google might also use the description that is used in the DMOZ directory.

    How Yahoo creates descriptions and snippets

    Yahoo seems to use only the first part of the meta description which is complemented by a text snippet from the searched page that contains the searched keyword.

    If a web page doesn't have a meta description, Yahoo will use the description of the web page from Yahoo's directory (if the page is listed there).

    If a web page has no meta description and is not listed in the Yahoo directory, then Yahoo will display sentences from the found web page that contain the searched keywords.

    How MSN/Live creates descriptions and snippets

    MSN/Live seems to use the first sentence that contains the searched keyword as the description. If the searched keyword does not appear on the page, MSN/Live seems to use the first sentence that appears on the page.

    If available, MSN/Live will also use the DMOZ directory description in the results.

    What does this mean for your web pages?

    If you want to make sure that your web pages are listed with an appealing description in the search results, you should use meta descriptions on your web pages. If you don't want to use the description that is used in the Yahoo directory and on DMOZ.org you should use the corresponding tags that prevent search engines from using these descriptions.
  2. randompage

    randompage Ads.id Fan

    Jun 12, 2007
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    menurut pengalaman,

    khusus untuk google (mesin satu ini memang kelewat canggih), masih tergantung kata pencariannya apa.
    nahh, bila kata pencarian ada di salah satu metatag, maka meta tag description yang diambil,

    tapi kalo kata pencarian tidak ada di metatags, maka kata2 terdekat yang diambil dalam search description.

    as i said,
    google=mesin canggih, jadi ada2 saja kelakuannya :D

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