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<ask> Setting Adsense For Domain di NameCheap?

Discussion in 'Adsense Tips' started by p3y3ks, Oct 13, 2011.

  1. p3y3ks

    p3y3ks Ads.id Fan

    Dec 15, 2010
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    alo mas bro..

    bagaimana cara setting adsense for domain di namecheap ya??


    ---------- Post added at 04:44 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:13 PM ----------

    tadi ane dah googling dan ketemu cara setting afd di namecheap...

    mudah2an bermanfaat

    In order to set up Google Adsense for your domain name registered at NameCheap you will need to perform the following actions:
    - Log in to your account at namecheap.com
    - Choose the domain that you'd like to use with AdSense for domains.
    - Choose All Host Records at the left side menu
    - For the 'www' Host Name enter the Address pub-xxxxxxxxx.afd.ghs.google.com (where pub-xxxxxxxxx is your unique ID listed on the AdSense setup page) and choose Record Type CNAME from the drop down menu.
    - For the '@' Host Name, enter the Address and choose Record Type A (Address)
    - Then you should create a subdomains under subdomains settings:
    For Host Name (first column) enter '@', for Record Type, for Address enter and choose A (Address) from the drop down menu.
    For Host Name (first column) enter '@', for Record Type, for Address enter and choose A (Address) from the drop down menu.
    For Host Name (first column) enter '@', for Record Type, for Address enter and choose A (Address) from the drop down menu.

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