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[ASK] Apa Viglink dariAmazon masih tetap dibayar setelah di banned (ceased)?

Discussion in 'Affiliate Program' started by yuyudhar, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. yuyudhar

    yuyudhar Super Hero

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Gan saya dapet ini dari viglink :


    We regret to inform you that we have had to cease affiliation of Amazon links for your account. Following a thorough review of all VigLink publishers, we believe your site content does not adhere to Amazon's terms and conditions. As VigLink is required to adhere to its merchants' terms of service, we can no longer affiliate your links to Amazon.

    Sites that are ineligible to affiliate Amazon content include the following:

    (A) any deal and coupon site (i.e., any site that is focused primarily on posting deals, discounts, or discount or coupon codes of various online retailers);

    (B) any rebate site (i.e., any site that provides its end customers with an effective discount in points, cash back, donation to a charity or other third party, etc. in exchange for shopping through their links);

    (C) any social networking site;

    (D) any site that displays products sold through the Amazon Site in a false, misleading, or otherwise objectionable manner (e.g., by only displaying the highest price at which a given product is offered through the Amazon Site);

    (E) any site that primarily promotes free eBooks;

    (F) any site designed or intended for use with any mobile phone or other handheld device (which prohibition does not apply to any site that is not designed or intended for use with such devices but may be accessible by such devices), any television set-top box (e.g., digital video recorders, cable or satellite boxes, streaming video players, blu-ray players, or dvd players), or any Internet-enabled television (e.g., GoogleTV, Sony Bravia, Panasonic Viera Cast, or Vizio Internet Apps);

    (G) any site that promotes a single Product (or a limited group of Products) for which the data, images, text, links, and other information are primarily Content or are otherwise sourced directly from other third-party sites, including the Amazon Sites, without the addition of original content (including user-generated content) or independent aggregation or comparison tools or other similar functionalities;

    (H) any client-side application software application, plug-in, helper, component or other executable code (including, without limitation, desktop applications, toolbars, plug-ins, helper components and extensions) on any device);

    (I) any publisher that has previously had an Associates account terminated by Amazon for any reason (including if Amazon has previously terminated a Tracking ID corresponding to such Publisher);

    (J) any site that is an “unsuitable site” as described in Section 2 of the Operating Agreement

    If you believe you do not fall into one of the above categories, please visit and complete this survey, and we will review your account.

    Again, this change only applies to links to Amazon. Where terms of service allow, VigLink will continue to affiliate your links to other merchants. Furthermore, we are investigating the possibility of redirecting your current Amazon links to the same product sold by another merchant. Finally, at this time we have not been informed of any revenue reversals, but will inform you immediately if Amazon takes this action.


    VigLink Customer Success
    hxxp://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ S8KBS6L

    Tapi saya lihat di akun viglink saya masih ada income yang masuk. Pertanyaanya :
    - Apa income yang masuk itu masih tetap akan di bayar ke kita?
    - Lalu kalo saya tetap buat blog yang berisi amazon, apakah saya masih akan menerima income?
    - BTW biglink tuh income ke kita dari apa aja, apa dari ppc ato hanya penjualan produk seperti produk dari amazon?
  2. nasdin

    nasdin Super Hero

    May 28, 2013
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    - logikanya masih, itu kan udah jadi hak affiliater. beda ama ppc yg konon kalo dibanned duitnya balik ke advertiser, kalo macem sale komisi masa iya mau dibalikin ke buyer?
    - coba dilihat trackingnya dari viglink masih ada atau ga, kalo ga ada ya ga dapet komisi misal ada sales
    - viglink kan banyak merchants.. ada yg ppc macem ebay, pps macem amazon, ppl macem coupons.com dll, lebih jelasnya di viglink merchant explorer
  3. yuyudhar

    yuyudhar Super Hero

    Sep 3, 2006
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    saya masih bingung lho soal viglink ini

    nanya lagiya...Kalo di blog saya yang khusus blog buat amazon dengan link produk ke amazon (btw amazon saya sudah di banned, plus dari viglink amazonnya juga dah di banned), apa dihalaman saya ada income lain selain dari amazon?

    Karena setelah di banned kok masih revenue yang masuk ya? apa itu hanya sekedar catatan saja?
  4. nasdin

    nasdin Super Hero

    May 28, 2013
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    kalo pasang js dari viglink dan link insert aktif kemungkinan earning dari merchant lain

    kalo earning dari amazon, kemungkinan ada order yg belum shipped

    di viglink kan ada detail earning dari merchant apa aja.. coba dicek deh
    yuyudhar likes this.
  5. yuyudhar

    yuyudhar Super Hero

    Sep 3, 2006
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    Thanks gan infonya,..ternyata saya baru tau kalo bisa liat data yang lengkap soal sumber incomenya dari mana....

    Btw saya dapet surat diatas tanggal 1 juni dan dapat revenue yang ternyata dari Amazon US tgl 5 juni. ...ya moga2 tetep dibayar aja.

    Btw kalo blog yang khusus amazon tadi enaknya diapain ya? apa kontennya saya ganti aja pake produk lain ato gimana, supaya pemasukanya bisa besar.

    Herannya kok lewat viglink incomenya lebih mudah dibandingkan lewat amazon langsung...
  6. norrysty

    norrysty Ads.id Starter

    Jan 7, 2010
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    Coba di monetize di Skimlink gan.... sistemnya sama dengan Viglink,.. cuman daftarnya yang agak ribet,.. web kita akan di cek dulu oleh tim mereka, (butuh waktu 2-3 hari untuk di approve) dan jika kita akan mendaftarkan web kita yang lain,.. mereka akan mengecek dulu web kita satu persatu sebelum diapprove... hanya web yang masuk kriteria mereka aja yang di approve,..
  7. yuyudhar

    yuyudhar Super Hero

    Sep 3, 2006
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    bisa kasi tau gak gan gimana kriteria skimlink?

    kayaknya lebih aman bikin blog baru aja,..biar gak bentar2 di banned lagi...sayang identitas diri nih....lama2 gak kepake daftar di internet :
  8. bogis22

    bogis22 Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    kayaknya dah gk dibayar,, mendingan lah,, masih 3 dolar saldo gua..di viglink..
  9. yuyudhar

    yuyudhar Super Hero

    Sep 3, 2006
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    tapi masih ada merchant lain yang bisa di coba kan gan? itu yang saya sedang cari tau gimana caranya supaya bisa manfaatin merchant yang lain
  10. Altrisya03

    Altrisya03 The Doctor

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Pos Satpam KPK
    Arahkan aja Link produk amazon agan ke ebay atau walmart, cari produk yang sama di dua merchant ini, jika sudah ketemu link produk yang sama di ebay atau walmart copy URL-nya, kemudian gunakan fasilitas yang ada di Viglink di menu Products==>Viglink Anywhere dan URL product yang ada di ebay atau di walmart tadi agan paste di kotak Create link kemudian tekan tombol BUILD kalau dah dapat link Viglinknya copy dan ganti link yang mengarah ke amazon dengan link Viglink beres gan
  11. yuyudhar

    yuyudhar Super Hero

    Sep 3, 2006
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    iya, saya juga kerjakan seperti itu. btw berhubung pake post agc kebayang banyak banget. sementara hanya ganti yang pageviewsnya tertinggi dulu yang diganti link produknya

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