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Jasa Penulisan Artikel Murah tapi PRO + revisi + 100% Manual

Discussion in 'Content' started by mikroink, Aug 8, 2021.

  1. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Assalamualaikum agan semua, Mikroink datang lagi nih dengan Jasa Content Writers yg berpengalaman sudah lebih dari 7 Tahun dalam hal penulisan baik yg berbahasa Indonesia maupun bahasa Inggris dengan Nama baru “ BCW “

    Bagi agan semua yg ingin FR boleh ikut coret-coret ya di bawah yah, kami akan dengan senang hati memberikan pelyanan yg terbaik

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    email : BCW.pro88@gmail.com

    Contoh Artikel Bule :
    Niche : Technology
    Kw: phishing attacks with different methods

    How to Be More Aware of Phishing Attacks with Different Methods

    These days, with all the technology that is around us, we also realize that there are a lot of bad things that could happen if we are not aware when we are entering our credentials in the world wide web. Other than work credentials, these phishing attacks with different methods could happen while you click on a link that was sent through to your phone text messages, or emails. Some of these phishing attacks seem quite “real” in their context, as they would seem like they come from a trusted source (work colleagues, friends, employers, etc.). Many of them even include attachments such as Word or Excel documents and files with embedded macros in them.

    What could happen if you click on the link or download those attachments and open them? Since these phishing attacks with different methods are quite popular to be used by hackers these days, once the files that have embedded macros are downloaded and opened, they could easily establish a connection to the hacker. After that, these hackers will have a connection to your PC or laptop. Most of them would not do anything straight away and they will just watch your daily/regular activities. They usually will also be able to track all the emails that you use every day. This could potentially be dangerous as they will be able to impersonate you by sending edited emails to your finance department and asking them for a financial payment (frauds).

    With the high rate of phishing attacks that are happening all around the world nowadays, you will want to be careful when you are opening emails, downloading attachments, or clicking on links that you receive. If you think that the source is trusted, it would not hurt to check with the sender first, whether they are your employer, work colleagues, or friends before you open them. Once you are sure and they have confirmed that those links or documents are safe, you could then proceed to open them. Many hackers use this method to try and phish their targets because it can be the easiest way to try and get access to their work or personal device.

    If you are at work, you could suggest your IT admin so they could block incoming untrusted emails (spams) and macros. To safely receive emails, they could add some of the domains that will be allowed to their whitelist too. This way, there is already another step of a layer that is implemented in the company or organization to help make it safer. By doing so, the company will also be able to filter out spam emails that come in from untrusted sources. With the high rate of scammers and phishing attacks that are happening around us, we need to be more aware especially since we use emails, text messages, PC, and laptops daily for our personal and work life. Not only that but potential phishing attacks with different methods could also be avoided if we are more careful in treating incoming emails and messages that we receive.

    Niche : Certificated
    Kw: letter of recommendation

    Getting a New Letter of Recommendation to Apply for a New Job

    If you are looking to apply to a new company, it would be good to make sure that you have all the documents that are needed with you. Other than the resume of your details, work experiences, and educational history, you should also prepare other documents that you need to request from your previous workplaces or study institutions. There are a few letters of recommendation that you can get from your former employers and institutions where you used to study. This will greaten the chances of you being accepted or at least getting a call back in for face-to-face interviews. If you are not sure of where to start asking for these letters, you could start by going back to your old schools, college, or university where you used to study.

    These letters of recommendation for work can be obtained by requesting them from the admin of your past companies, schools, or universities. How can these letters help you get interviews you might wonder? Since your application might be online, you will be sending emails with the resume and attachment of these letters of recommendation to the recruiters. By reading those letters, the recruiters will be able to know more about you such as your achievements, more of your personality, and many more even before they met you in person. If they are interested just by reading those letters, you could be a good potential to be recruited as the company’s new employee (of course, after the interviews to make sure that you have the capability and skills required for the new position that they offer).

    Most companies or study institutions will already have a template that they have prepared for this kind of letter. This way, when the admin is going to create you a letter of recommendation for your new job, they do not have to start from scratch again. At the top of the letter, you should include the details of the company and the receiver of the letter. As for the context and body of the letter, it will include all of the achievements, additional personal traits, skills, and other acknowledgments while they are working in the company or while they were studying in the institution. This could be when they receive a certificate of excellence or if they have finished specific training, etc.

    Having extra supporting documents will be able to help your chances to be accepted for a new job (or even to get called in for an interview) by the recruiter. It never hurts to try and apply for a new job if you feel like your current workplace is not sufficient for you any longer. If you could get a higher salary or change of pace in your work environment, a change could be good. Although, you need to make sure that before you hand in your resignation letter at your current workplace, you have a new offer letter from your new workplace first. You should also keep in mind to follow the rules and regulations of the company so you can resign in a good state and get a new letter of recommendation from the company as well.

    Last edited: Mar 22, 2024
    eLnoe and olank like this.
  2. Meidi Yuwono

    Meidi Yuwono (2) Newbie New Trader

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Icip FR nya gan
  3. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Boleh gan, mangga di inbox yah untuk detail fr nya, niche atau keyword nya
    Meidi Yuwono likes this.
  4. Meidi Yuwono

    Meidi Yuwono (2) Newbie New Trader

    Oct 5, 2018
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    Ok gan, sudah saya balas di inbox yah.
  5. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
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    siap masgan, di tunggu orderan selanjutnya yaa :)
  6. yudhaman

    yudhaman (32) Super Hero Known Trader

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Nyoba order 1000 words
  7. irfi3nd

    irfi3nd (26) Ads.id Pro Known Trader

    Dec 18, 2014
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    kak ane butuh artikel tentang printer, cara reset printer..
    Dengan gambar panduan yang agak lengkap ! bisa gk yah ?

    Kalau gk bisa mungki bisa buat artikel niche printer ?
    boleh incip fr atau kirim contoh nya
  8. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
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    boleh masgan lanjut di inbox yah ngbrolnya :))
  9. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Open Order untuk bulan ini antrian sudah agak longgar silahkan agan2
  10. benneybingar

    benneybingar (-1) Newbie New Trader

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Pm in contoh artikel tekno dong gan

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. yudhaman

    yudhaman (32) Super Hero Known Trader

    Dec 15, 2009
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    Udah beberapa kali mesen. Pengerjaan cepat dan bisa revisi sampe puas. Semoga bisa konsisten :)
  12. fajarfaezal

    fajarfaezal (11) Newbie Known Trader

    Jan 9, 2016
    Likes Received:
    FR niche bisnis dong gan..

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Terimakasih banyak masgan suhu testimony nya, semoga cocok terus dengan jasa artikel kami, di tunggu orderan selanjutnyaa :D

    Boleh masgan, silahkan check Inbox yahh hehe
  14. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Selamat Pagi/Siang/Sore/Malam agan2 suhu ku, Jasa kami Open Slot yah mari jika ada yang berminat boleh message ataupun chat WA yg sudah tertera di Thread, terimakasihh
  15. krozbonek

    krozbonek (20) Krozden Known Trader

    May 28, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Bisa rewrite gan?
  16. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Bisa dong masgan, monggo barangkali berminat utk info lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi whatsapp kami yah masgan di : wa.me/6289610309922
  17. sangpena

    sangpena (4) Newbie New Trader

    Feb 18, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Bisa terima pembayaran via Paypal gan?
  18. Hastry Wati Saragih

    Hastry Wati Saragih (2) Ads.id Starter New Trader

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Pm saya kak boleh ? :)
  19. mikroink

    mikroink (15) Ads.id Starter Known Trader

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Untuk saat ini belum available euy masgan via paypal hehe, bank local gmn masgan?

    Boleh gan, otw PM yah
  20. sangpena

    sangpena (4) Newbie New Trader

    Feb 18, 2016
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    Oke, PM ya

    Sent from my VOG-L29 using Tapatalk

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