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Google, Yahoo & Microsoft Launch Sitemaps.org

Discussion in 'SEO Articles' started by yudhis97, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. yudhis97

    yudhis97 Super Hero

    Dec 20, 2005
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    [​IMG]Sitemaps consists of an XML file designed to crawling by allowing webmasters to list all their pages, notify search engines of changes or new pages, and identify unchanged pages to prevent unnecessary crawling and conserve bandwidth.

    Google, Yahoo and Microsoft have announced their common support for Sitemaps 0.90 as a universal method for webmasters to make their sites more search engine friendly. This initiative builds upon the Sitemaps 0.84, which was originally developed as a joint venture between Google and Yahoo.

    "At industry conferences, webmasters have asked for open standards just like this," said Danny Sullivan, editor-in-chief of Search Engine Watch. "This is a great development for the whole community and addresses a real need of webmasters in a very convenient fashion. I believe it will lead to greater collaboration in the industry for common standards, including those based around robots.txt, a file that gives Web crawlers direction when they visit a website."

    Representatives from Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft each weigh in with their take on the announcement.

    "Announcing industry supported Sitemaps is an important milestone for all of us because it will help webmasters and search engines get the most relevant information to users faster. Sitemaps address the challenges of a growing and dynamic Web by letting webmasters and search engines talk to each other, enabling a better web crawl and better results," said Narayanan Shivakumar, Distinguished Entrepreneur with Google. "Our initial efforts have provided webmasters with useful information about their sites, and the information we've received in turn has improved the quality of Google's search."

    "The launch of Sitemaps is significant because it allows for a single, easy way for websites to provide content and metadata to search engines," said Tim Mayer, senior director of product management, Yahoo Search. "Sitemaps helps webmasters surface content that is typically difficult for crawlers to discover, leading to a more comprehensive search experience for users."

    "The quality of your index is predicated by the quality of your sources and Windows Live Search is happy to be working with Google and Yahoo! on Sitemaps to not only help webmasters, but also help consumers by delivering more relevant search results so they can find what they're looking for faster," said Ken Moss, General Manager of Windows Live Search at Microsoft.

    The protocol will be available at sitemaps.org, while will be hosted by Yahoo Small Business. Any site owner will be able to create and upload an XML Sitemap and submit the URL of the file to the participating search engines.
    asyik msn dan yahoo ada xml sitemapnya, abis payah bener indexnya. ;) berita selengapnya dan video bisa dilihat di webpronews.com
  2. yulia

    yulia Super Hero

    Sep 22, 2005
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    Bukannya lebih bagus Yahoo klo soal indexing daripada Google?

    Paling nggak jargon2 SE ini dah punya sama aturan utk xml sitemap nya.
    Tapi di MSN, I don't think Windows Live Search has any sitemaps technology currently
  3. yudhis97

    yudhis97 Super Hero

    Dec 20, 2005
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    la emang yahoo sudah ada sitemapnya mbak, kalau ada bisa harus posting xmlnya kemana perasaan cuma ada submit rss doang.
    ini apa cuma saya ya, situs saya lebih mudah diindex google bisa ribuan sedang di yahoo dan msn nggak sampai seratus.
  4. abud

    abud Newbie

    Jun 16, 2006
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    mas yudhis....saya malah terbalik lebih banyak diindex ama yahoo and msn.....ada tips untuk lebih banyak diindex ama google....thanks.
  5. Tom-182

    Tom-182 Super Hero

    Mar 22, 2006
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  6. yudhis97

    yudhis97 Super Hero

    Dec 20, 2005
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    salah satunya ya pasang sitemap, walaupun situs saya nggak search engine friendly (make joomla) bisa diindex sama google. tapi mungkin ini yang membuat sedikit di index di yahoo dan msn. kalo emang msn dan yahoo benar2x akan make
    sitemap bisa nolong situs2x yang nggak sef macam punya saya. semoga gitcu
  7. RisK

    RisK Ads.id Pro

    Jan 26, 2006
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    dulu perang adu teknologi browser antar IE en Netscape udah bikin susah banyak orang. jangan sampe deh search engine ikut-ikutan. makanya top deh kalo search engine sekarang ada standarisasi teknologi kayak gini. biar kita juga ngga pusing...


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