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[Jual] Jasa Content Writer Berkualitas

Discussion in 'Trade' started by HansDavid, May 12, 2010.

  1. HansDavid

    HansDavid (1) Newbie New Trader

    Mar 14, 2008
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    Halo abang2, tante2 dan adik2 sekalian.... :senyum:

    Berhubung paid review lagi sepi banget job-nya, ane pikir gak ada salahnya lah nawarin jasa sebagai content writer dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Ok, pertama2, ehm2, CV ane dulu yah:
    - TOEFL score: 613 (International level loh, dan ane gak tau gimana TOEFL jaman sekarang yg jelas jaman ane dulu nilai maksimal 630-an, jadi kebayanglah yah kualitas Inggris ane :silau:)
    - Pengalaman kerja: jadi jurnalis di koran berbahasa inggris terbesar di Indonesia (tau dong yg Jakarta P*st itu loh :silau:)
    - Artikel2 bisa di search di google dengan ngetik nama lengkap ane: Hans David Tampubolon, muncul dah semuanya (ini sekaligus jadi contoh/free preview of my works).

    Oke, jadi bisa jamin hasil kerjaan ane mak-nyus deh, dan pasti inggrisnya high class dan oke punya.

    Nah, sekarang kita ngomongin pricing yuk:
    - 200 words - Rp 10000 ($1)
    - 300 words - Rp 12500 ($1.2)
    - 400 words - Rp 15000 ($1.6)
    - 500 words - Rp 17500 ($1.8)

    Deadline 1 X 24 jam, dan berhubung ane kerja jadi wartawan, mangkal di politik pula, mohon pengertian ane cuma bisa bikin maksimal 5 artikel sehari. Jadi, siapa yg cepat pesan, dia yang dapat duluan diservis hehe :senyum:

    Nah, sekarang cara kontak ane buat mesen dan ngobrol2:
    lewat email: hans.davidp[at]yahoo.com
    YM ID: hanshebat
    HP: 0815-8520-3999 [SMS only]

    Kalau udah selesai pesanan kamu, nanti ane kontak via email atau YM, dan kamu bayar ke:
    Nomor Rekening BCA: 77-50-44-53-19
    Nama rekening: Hans David
    Paypal: via PM

    Kalau sudah bayar, kasih tau detil transaksi kamu kayak dari atas rekening siapa kamu transfer dll lewat SMS atau email atau YM. Kalau mau lebih gampang kasih angka unik di belakang transaksi kamu kayak "007" atau "69" dan kasih tau ke saya.

    Pembayaran paling lambat 1x24 jam, lewat dari situ, kontrak ane anggap batal.

    Kalau pembayaran kamu sudah ane konfirm, pesanan kamu bakal langsung ane kirim via email dalam format TXT.

    Sekian dulu yah bros, sis dan kawan2. Semoga berkenan.
    Last edited: May 23, 2010
  2. arifudin

    arifudin (71) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Dec 20, 2009
    Likes Received:
    ada free reviewnya ga' sob? :hmm:
  3. HansDavid

    HansDavid (1) Newbie New Trader

    Mar 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Ada :senyum:


    (ganti hxxp dgn http)

    Itu semua artikel2 ane di koran yg dikutip sama situs2 di dalam dan luar negeri. Sama ya, ane selalu nulis artikel dalam bahasa inggris, jadi udah makanan sehari2 :silau:

    --- Update ---

    Atau kalau ente masih gak yakin nih ane kasih contoh tulisan ane:

    12 years gone by and Indonesian authorities' hearts remain unmoved

    Where were you 12 years ago? When men and women were slain on the streets by their fellow brothers and sisters. When children cried and youthful souls vanished in the midst of flying bullets, all in the name of a better hope for democracy.

    I remember that day well. I walked down from my high school to a nearby hospital to pick up my mother, and then, on the TV, I saw the news and for the first time in my life, I have never felt so alienated in a country that I thought I knew so well.

    I saw the streets of Jakarta gone up in smoke, buildings burned and people looted everything they can and in some scenes, they did not go for the goods, but by the name of God, they went for other people.

    I remember hearing the TV broadcasters exclaimed over and over again about students being killed, heavy military machinery deployed, and people ran their rampage on anything that moves. I remember reading the newspaper, showing a woman lying with her head staring at the sky helplessly as military armed men marched with their guns strapped on and ready to fire.

    I remember thinking - it was the end for Indonesia.

    About a week later, Suharto then finally called it quits. Dethroning himself from the throne he so affectionately held for 32 years. Opposing politicians then celebrated in joy, they had achieved their goals. But for the most common men and women, who became the true victims of that tragedy, Indonesia's new democracy was nothing more than a prolonged sufferings, in which they have been trapped in the uncertainties of their loved ones.

    Young men and women paid their blood, but after 12 years gone by, no official statement has yet to be issued by the state about the whereabouts or the fate of those who went missing in the midst of the riots.

    No official apology has ever been uttered by a state official for the gruesome blatant mass murders and rapes taking place 12 years ago.

    Not even an acknowledgment of a gross human rights violation....

    Ever since the May tragedy, what we have been witnessing was nothing but unethical political games and the apparent display for the lust of power coming from those who toppled the New Order dictator in the first place.

    What we have been witnessing is the fact that democracy has done nothing to us but bringing us lower in class, dignity and common sense.

    The saddest part is.... that nobody cares anymore....

    Is there a hope for Indonesia? You tell....
  4. HansDavid

    HansDavid (1) Newbie New Trader

    Mar 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Halo guys, kalau ada yg mau coba hasil karya ane, ane kasih gratis deh 2 artikel trial GRATIS!

    - Yg mesen harus punya reputasi warna hijau dan post di atas 50
    - Abis pesenan selesai, kasih testimonial di thread ini (jujur aja, kritikan juga diterima)

    Ane kasih kesempatan ini buat 0 adsense-id members.

    EDIT: Slot gratisan sudah diambil CariDuit dan Darmok. Testimonialnya ditunggu.
    Last edited: May 14, 2010
  5. cariduit

    cariduit (122) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Oct 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    aku bisa dapat free artikelnya mas??
  6. darmok

    darmok (113) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Aug 12, 2009
    Likes Received:
    ujungsemi kaliwedi cirebon
    mau dong yg gratis :senyum: YM ane:
  7. wondercorn

    wondercorn (5) Hero Known Trader

    Feb 1, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Mau nyoba dong bro kalo masih dapet ;)
  8. HansDavid

    HansDavid (1) Newbie New Trader

    Mar 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Keyword-nya apaan? Kirim aja ke email ane hans.davidp[at]yahoo.com

    Buat Darmok: sama dengan di atas, email aja keyword pesenan ente ke email ane :)
  9. cariduit

    cariduit (122) Super Hero Trusted Trader

    Oct 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    cek email mas...
  10. HansDavid

    HansDavid (1) Newbie New Trader

    Mar 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Buat Darmok & CariDuit, artikel pesenan anda sudah dikirim. Ditunggu testimonialnya :)

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