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[WTS] [LELANG] 143 artikel unik niche diet, recipe, food, healthy, beauty. Lolos copyscape.

Discussion in 'Service' started by abadhy, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. abadhy

    abadhy (19) Super Hero Known Trader

    Oct 19, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Assalamualaikum wr wb, salam sejahtera agan semua.
    ane muncul lagi bawa artikel unik buat dilelang.​

    Dulu ni artikel buat persiapan ane mau buat blog baru, tapi gak jadi karena kesibukan ane sehari hari, jadi daripada terbengkaai mending ane lepas aja.

    bagaimana kualitas artikel saya? agan boleh cek testimoni di lapak2 saya sebelumnya (ane dah jualan artikel sejak 2009, with 99,99% no complain)

    niche berkutat ngebahas seputar diet, recipe, food, healthy, beauty, healthy product.

    Judul Artikel
    daftar judul2 artikelnya yang ane mau lepas
    1. Creative break bread lubricate!
    2. Speed up metabolism - how it works!
    3. Tea culture from the land of the dragon
    4. Almased Food supplements - fat burner
    5. Goji berries: Small Power packages for more vitality
    6. Spirulina algae - occurrence and benefits
    7. Losing weight and still eat
    8. Become a vegetarian is not so difficult
    9. Juicing Fasting - Trend from the USA
    10. Change your life for the better
    11. Fitness drinks for athletes
    12. Higher short-term performance
    13. The recovery after the party
    14. Using hypnosis to dream figure
    15. For successful weight loss is one of knowledge
    16. Delicious and unusual recipes
    17. Nutritional supplements for athletes
    18. Morinda juice tastes delicious
    19. Chili peppers - spicy but good
    20. Revuelto Serrano ham, mushrooms and wild leeks
    21. Beans - small fruit, big impact
    22. Creatine for muscle formation
    23. Dietary supplements in endurance sports
    24. Soy
    25. Nuvoryn Review - Natural Weight Loss Supplement
    26. Water and vitamin supply in seniors
    27. Kelp - protection from the sea
    28. The potato - raw food with level
    29. Tea - healing as enjoyment
    30. Cabbage Soup Diet - Myth or not?
    31. Lose weight with the right tips
    32. Garlic - the all-rounder
    33. The artichoke - the heart health
    34. Meals for Dieting
    35. Buy Stevia and again enjoy sweet drinks
    36. More muscle with the Sports Nutrition Creatine
    37. Proper sports nutrition for fat loss
    38. Beauty ideals
    39. Which protein for more muscle?
    40. Instead of pruning rely on Stevia Tabs
    41. Whey protein - a must for active athletes
    42. Slim, thanks to a healthy diet
    43. Omega-3 fat, which makes fit
    44. Fresh and healthy lunch
    45. With a diet plan effectively removing
    46. Side effects and use of Almased
    47. Aloe Vera Gel Aloe Vera plant is pure
    48. Coffee Maker in course of the last decades
    49. Crepes Recipe - More than just a thin pancake
    50. Casein diets for athletes
    51. Crepes Recipe - A normal pancake recipe?
    52. In the long term slimming effectiveness by
    53. The muscle building diet
    54. Targeted Slimming on abdomen
    55. Healthy eating can really taste delicious
    56. Biceps Training - How it works!
    57. The fight infertility and get pregnant
    58. Nutrition and skin
    59. Breakfast! The most important meal for a successful muscle building
    60. How hard is really slimming?
    61. Diet during lactation
    62. Healthy Diet
    63. 6 components Krea7 creatine on the market
    64. With NOxtreme more power in sports
    65. Whey protein - popular for sports nutrition
    66. A power breakfast gives strength for the day
    67. Ordinary or more electronic cigarettes
    68. The perfect organic breakfast
    69. Effect of creatine and my own experiences
    70. Cereals as food
    71. Lose weight made easy
    72. Gluten intolerance
    73. Fat Burning Tips
    74. Immediately remove with swimming
    75. Nutrition during pregnancy
    76. What are supplements? Supplements and muscle building
    77. We need drinking water filter?
    78. How you too can lose weight with oatmeal
    79. How many calories per day?
    80. Whey muscle miracles
    81. Light drinks
    82. Intolerance of gluten
    83. Natural detoxification of the body
    84. Training for Hard Gainer
    85. Creatine capsules vs. Creatine powder
    86. Alpha Amino to help you sleep
    87. Slimming made easy - lose weight permanently
    88. 3 tips for losing weight
    89. Beef Protein Power Snack
    90. Anabolic diet for fat loss
    91. Goji berries considered in detail
    92. Casein protein for diet and muscle building
    93. Weight Gainer to Build Muscle
    94. Nutrition in the diet
    95. Losing weight through hypnosis
    96. Green Tea - Healing Power of Nature
    97. Low Carb Diet - lose weight easily made?
    98. Make yogurt itself
    99. Asian Cooking
    100. Vince Delmonte Muscle Building Program
    101. The mystery Acai Berry
    102. Healthy Dieting
    103. Vitamin-rich juice using juicer
    104. Top 5 Reasons for supplement
    105. Built-in oven
    106. Bar table
    107. The microwave for egg cooker
    108. Healthy diet to lose weight
    109. Six pack exercises: Superior Rectus abdominis
    110. The right diet for a six pack: fats
    111. Barbecue Eco-Friendly
    112. Cook healthy food for children
    113. What is a "weed"?
    114. Calories
    115. Yerba Mate
    116. Healthy Cooking from Japan
    117. Microwave ovens
    118. Distributors wanted for organic coconut oil
    119. Losing weight without hunger
    120. Intolerance of gluten
    121. The GI diet
    122. Eggs, soy, nuts - without missing a protein which
    123. Canning is back in vogue
    124. The professional party service Fulda
    125. Information about vitamin tablets
    126. Eating Disorders: Anorexia and Co
    127. Diet - Everything for the Beauty
    128. Slimming detox with whey
    129. Cannabis Seeds
    130. The success of a diet
    131. Cellulite - What you can do with diet, however
    132. Cholesterol
    133. Losing weight in your sleep thanks to psychological hypnosis CD
    134. Be Slim
    135. Proteins
    136. Carnitine
    137. Chocolate Diet for Sweet and cougars
    138. Know cravings at HAMETA?
    139. Slim with Hoodia
    140. A diet that works 100%!
    141. As of course is the "Natural Diet" with Hoodia?
    142. Sustainable weight loss vs. Fast Dieting
    143. Buttermilk

    Hasil Cek Keunikan (ane milih 1 artikel secara acak buat di tes)
    Copyscape (copyscape ngedetect ada 2 web yang sama, tapi kesamaannya bukan artikelnya tapi link kredit template yang ane pake di template web ane)
    Hasil Cek Keunikan Via Seo Tools (100% unique)

    Kelebihan lelang Ini dibanding agan musti beli artikel satu satu yaitu:
    - artikelnya ada 143 biji dengan beragam jumlah kata, mulai dari yang terendah yaitu 170-200an kata (ane hitung kayaknya gak sampe 5 artikel), sampai yang terpanjang hingga 6 halaman microsoft word ( 1600 kata)

    - total kata keseluruhan 143 artikel ini KURANG LEBIH (berdasar wordcount ms word) yaitu 57.314 kata untuk 143 artikel. artinya kalo dirata-ratakan tiap artikel rata-rata word/kata nya adalah 400 KATA!!! (rata-rata alias averagenya ya gan, gak berarti semua artikel pas 400 kata, silahkan merujuk poin sebelumnya untuk jumlah variasi kata)

    - ane dah cek harga, kebanyakan jasa pembuatan artikel bahasa inggris unik biayanya 1-3$ per artikel bahkan ada $10 untuk sebuah artikel 400 KATA. bandingkan agan bisa hemat berapa banyak kalo di lelang ini???

    ya ada bonus lagi. agan berhak mendapat tambahan 30 buah artikel unik kategory technology khusus jika agan nge-BIN!!!
    jadi totalnya agan dapat 173 artikel UNIK!!!

    Open Bid (OB) = $45
    Inc = Min. $2
    BIN = $150

    Masa LELANG
    Start Sejak lapak ini diposting - HARI MINGGU PUKUL 15.00 WIB atau jam 3 Sore Wib.


    Paypal sementara kena limit, jadi payment VIA Transfer BANK.
    RATE rendah cukup Rp. 11.500

    Whatsapp : 081 242 912 531 (No Bid Via W.A, semua bid via forum)

    *Silahkan Diperebutkan, dan atuhi aturan forum yang berlaku. No BID PHP.

    Sukses buat agan semua. :D
  2. boskaosbola

    boskaosbola Newbie

    Jul 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Re: [LELANG] 143 artikel unik niche diet, recipe, food, healthy, beauty. Lolos copysc

    Ob gan
  3. abadhy

    abadhy (19) Super Hero Known Trader

    Oct 19, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Re: [LELANG] 143 artikel unik niche diet, recipe, food, healthy, beauty. Lolos copysc

    sip OB diterima gan :D

    ayoo mana yang lain mari merapat, yang haus yang haus, mijon mijooon.. #Ehhhgagalpokus :p
  4. abadhy

    abadhy (19) Super Hero Known Trader

    Oct 19, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Re: [LELANG] 143 artikel unik niche diet, recipe, food, healthy, beauty. Lolos copysc


    pemenangnya agan boskaosbola dengan harga OB $45 .

    selamat kepada agan. detail transaksi ane kirim via PM ya gan.
  5. boskaosbola

    boskaosbola Newbie

    Jul 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Re: [LELANG] 143 artikel unik niche diet, recipe, food, healthy, beauty. Lolos copysc

    Oke gan. Thanks
  6. ragilq

    ragilq (2) Newbie New Trader

    Oct 27, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Re: [LELANG] 143 artikel unik niche diet, recipe, food, healthy, beauty. Lolos copysc

    Ya telattt yaaa

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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