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(ASK) Message Dari Support iPage.

Discussion in 'Hosting & Domain' started by anakmanja, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. anakmanja

    anakmanja Ads.id Pro

    May 24, 2012
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    Kota Malang, Jawa Timur
    Permisi master, saya pengen tanya,..

    Blog saya niche wallpaper, dengan konten image rata2 2MB tiap posting (sekitar 15-30an gambar)

    Saya pake shared hosting di IPAGE dot COM

    UV cuma 2-4K/day dan PV 20-30K/day

    yang jadi maslah, setiap terjadi kenaikan visitor yang drastis, selalu terjadi "Wordpress Instalation" pada blog saya. Dan itu membuat UV yang tadinya sedang online di blog saya, jadi pergi.

    Terus, saya contact support IPAGE, via live chat. Chat kami seperti berikut :

    Rosie Dean: Hi, how are you today?

    anakmanja: hello,.. i am fine,. can u help me ?

    Rosie Dean: How can I help you today?

    anakmanja: you know, every website I get a lot of traffic. always occurs "WordPress Installation" .. why is that?
    anakmanja: http://xxxxxx.com

    Rosie Dean: The maximum number of database queries per user is 75,000/hr. The error message shows that your account is exceeded the limit. Hence, it is giving installation page. I suggest that you check the website after one hour so that once the server reloads, the website will work fine.

    anakmanja: in fact, it's so annoying my visitors, can be made to not like it?

    Rosie Dean: You can purchase additional query limit, which costs around $240 per year or you can optimize website.

    Rosie Dean: The queries will reset every hour and is kept by user however every time the pages on your site are accessed you are still attempting to make queries to the database server. Because of this even though you are getting errors your scriptare still accumulating the queries. As a temporary fix for this issue you can delete and recreate your user. However,this error will still come back if you do

    Rosie Dean: not condense the amount of queries your script uses by optimizing your SQLusage. The link http://www.sitepoint.com/article/optimizing-mysql-application will help, show you how to optimize your MySQL usage.

    Rosie Dean: Did you receive my last message?

    anakmanja: "The maximum number of database queries per user is 75,000/hr"

    anakmanja: how to check?

    Rosie Dean: The limit is set on our server. If you exceed the limit, you will get error in the website.

    anakmanja: But users of my website is not up to 75.000/hr

    Rosie Dean: I will update the information so that one of our specialists will reply you soon and resolve your issue.

    Rosie Dean: Did you receive my last message?

    anakmanja: OK, as a ilustration, my website has only an average of 50.000 unique visitors / day, .. and 250.000 page views / day

    Rosie Dean: Okay.

    Rosie Dean: One of our specialists will reply you soon about it.

    anakmanja: Ok,. so, I hope, the incidence of "Wordpress Installation" is not vacant again. And I can always continue to believe with your service. Thank you, ..
    Rosie Dean: Sure.

    Rosie Dean: I can understand your concern. I am really sorry.

    anakmanja: Ok,. thanks,.. :)

    Rosie Dean: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?

    Trus, 3 jam kemudian, saya dapat email dari pihak Support IPAGE


    I have taken a look through your account and logs. Your visitor logs indicate over 50,000 visits to your hosting account. Most traffic goes to xxxxxx.com, as indicated by the most requested asset on your site, the php file associated with the wartaa theme.

    To clarify, a database query is separate from a visit. Depending on how your wordpress is set up, themes, and plugins, the queries needed to render a functional page will vary. Wordpress depends on a database to retrieve information on how to display a page, what to display on a page, how to handle users, and anything that a plug in does, whether visible to a visitor or not.

    In short, a single visitor landing on your homepage may cause Wordpress to query the database hundreds of times to retrieve and display not only the page, but anything a plug-in may need. I also noticed you do not have a caching plug in installed.

    What a caching plug in will do is store a fully rendered, static version of your pages and serve those up instead of causing Wordpress to query the database each time to decide how to display/handle a page.

    You can check you server visitor logs by clicking on Visitor Statistics from control panel. For June, a significant number of visits and hits came from IP addresses owned by RIM, the company that makes Blackberries. It either means many thousands of visits from Blackberry owners, or you are getting hit with a bot net attack. Or something in between. What I suggest is to use the htaccess editor from Control Panel and block the IPs and see if that makes a difference. You cans see the IP addresses from the Visitor Logs, near the bottom.

    Lastly, from a design stand point, I suggest making your home page a static landing page. Organize your information in such a way that it reduces the number of database queries. That is to say, if information regarding something is not going to change, put it on its own page and let the caching plugin handle it. Reduce the number of plugins that you have running, if there are redundant plugins or things that you simply aren't using, disable them so they don't query the database.

    Hope this helps,

    If you need anything else, please update via support console.

    Steve Olson
    Technical Support

    Trus saya trans pake Google Trans, tapi saya tetep aja g paham... :)

    Mohon bantuannya, apa yg musti saya lakukan. Semoga ada yg mau jawab,.. :)


    Mohon kasih saran, sebagai nubie, saya masih belum mampu untuk beli VPS atau DEDI,.. nah, untuk saran,. enaknya pakai hosting apa ya ? Kalo pake Hawkhost, saya takut space dibatasi, kalo pake Hostgator, menurut agan-agan bagaimana ???

    Last edited: Jul 12, 2012
  2. actnow

    actnow Newbie

    Jul 11, 2012
    Likes Received:
    pindah hosting aja ato ganti yang dedicated server .maaf kalo saran ane saran sampah hehe...
  3. amrimf

    amrimf Super Hero

    Jul 4, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Pake cache aja, atau pindah server ke VPS/dedicated server
    Bukannya tadi udah dapet banyak jawaban di group?
  4. marketnesia

    marketnesia Newbie

    May 17, 2012
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    Jakarta, Indonesia
    Ane bantu nerjemahin reply dari technical supportnya yah gan.

    50.000 Visitor/hari itu berbeda dengan jumlah query ke database.

    Jumlah query ke database dipengaruhi banyaknya plugin yang agan install, themes, dan berapa widget yang ada di halaman tersebut.

    Sebagai perbandingan, default installationnya wordpress dengan memakai theme twenty-eleven akan memakan 16 query kedatabase. Kalo misalnya agan banyak make widget dan plugin, yah jumlah querynya bisa2 ngebengkak sampe 60an query ke 1 page setiap akses.

    Jika agan ada 50.000 visitor/day, dan jika setiap visitornya biasanya akses 10 page perhari, maka page viewnya bisa sampe 500.000 pageview/day kan? jadi di peak2 hour tentu saja ada kemungkinan query ke database bisa sampai 75000/hr

    Nah dia juga saranin agan make caching plugins untuk website agan, untuk meminimalisir query ke database, saran ane mungkin bisa coba make plugin wp super cache kalau mau coba.

    Lalu dia juga bilang kebanyakan visitor agan dateng dari ip nya server rim blackberry, mungkin karena diakses oleh pengguna bb atau kena serangan bot. Sebagai option dia bilang kalau mau coba block ip tersebut. (tapi menurut ane sih jangan gan :p)

    Lalu terakhir dia nyaranin, agan make static landing page, jadi kode html aja diluar wordpress. Dan jika agan ada install plugin yang kira2 fungsinya sama, dia saranin uninstall salah satu untuk mengurangi query tadi ;)

    Semoga bermanfaat gan!
  5. Oby_One

    Oby_One Banned

    Jul 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    |Pulau Sabang - Aceh|
    keren mastah,.. dari ane baca sekilas,.. traffic dateng dari RIM aka blackberry,. mungkin juga dampak dari plugin atau themes

    btw,.. niche apaan mas bro,.. wallpaper...?? wallpapaer tentang apa..? :peace:

    itu menurut ane,.. kali aja mastah dibawah ane mau ngejawab
  6. bosspulsa

    bosspulsa WWW.WARMACHINE.IM

    Jan 27, 2008
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    Bantoel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia
    Saya juga pemakai iPage.com, coba agan pakai wp superchace. saya rencana akan pindah juga sih mas ke HawkHost, karena biaya di iPage.com dari tahun ke tahun naik. Saya tahun 1 cuman 35 USD, itu pun dapat domain USD12, jadi cuman 23 USD, lalu tahun kedua 84 USD, tahun ketiga kalau diperpanjang jadi 107 USD. wah gawat... enakan Hawk Host kayaknya
  7. kentank

    kentank Ads.id Pro

    Oct 18, 2006
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    nah..iya kan...
    inilah ga enaknya hosting punya fatcow, ipage, powweb, ipowweb,netfirms dst(pokoknya yg segrup sama EIG, kecuali HG), dia punya MAX USER QUERY LIMIT, saya lupa brapa limitnya. ini lah yg membuat website yg ramai atau ketika kita sedang mengimport database jadi error atau brubah ke wp instalasi.
    solusi nya adalah rolling user, jadi anda membuat script yg membuat setiap pengunanaan database merolling beberapa user(max 3 user per database di ipage), jadinya ada akan mempunya 3x lipat batas request per user, spt yg anda tau, di config WP anda, hanya ada satu user di database settingnya, jadikan 3, dgn dirolling per usernya..
    cb minta tolong dibagian adsense-id programming, nanti saya jg share kl sempet diotak atik.
    untuk memaksimalkan juga, bs ikuti saran diatas utk menggunakan wp-cache, tp menurut saya, lebih baik anda angkat kaki dari ipage. Juga kl bisa perbaharui theme anda dgn theme yg responsive (krn kelihatannya web anda srg diakses lwt smartphone/bb), theme yg responsive membuat web nyaman diakses dgn smartphone dan meminimalkan query db.
  8. bosspulsa

    bosspulsa WWW.WARMACHINE.IM

    Jan 27, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Bantoel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia
    Ane minta gan....
  9. kentank

    kentank Ads.id Pro

    Oct 18, 2006
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    Bos, kl pinter bhs inggris, dahulukan ceting dl sama supportnya, 80% order saya(terutama kl dah repeat order/loyal customer) selalu dpt diskon, sy pernah dpt diskon dari 50-90% nya, cm pinter2 aja ngomongnya... ngobrol2, lalu terakirnya bilang, can I have a special discount please, i'm a loyal customer of you. biasanya dapet..hahahahhaha....
  10. bosspulsa

    bosspulsa WWW.WARMACHINE.IM

    Jan 27, 2008
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    Bantoel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia
    Ane juga kepikiran kayak gitu boss.... cuman belum sempat. biasa boss... ane akan coba deh...

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