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Rippln social platform dengan inovasi incentive buat para penggunanya 100% FREE

Discussion in 'Online Earning' started by camphor, Apr 23, 2013.

  1. camphor

    camphor Newbie

    Apr 23, 2013
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    hehe agan2 sekalian, saya baru baru ini dapat invitation dari salah satu forum internet marketing luar, karna ane termasuk premium member, ane dapat kesempatan buat dapatin invite buat Rippln.com. mungkin masih banyak yang blom pernah dengar tentang ini, tapi dikesempatan ini ane pengen share dengan agan2 yg di dalam negri tentang perkembangan salah satu online community baru ini.

    langsung aja d, cek detailsnya di youtube


    klo agan2 ada yg berminat silakan pm ane dengan email address agan2 biar bisa diinvite, btw karna websitenya blom open buat publik cuma bisa join by invitation doank untuk saat ini, jadi yg berminat silakan pm ane dengan email address biar bisa ane invite. okelah sekian dolo. buat yg bahasa planetnya sakti, silakan baca yg dibawah hehe, email dari admin forum yg ane VIPnya hehe.

    A few days ago we shared something that is simply revolutionary.

    Maybe you you have heard the Buzz around about Rippln.

    But not many know exactly what it is or how is going to work.

    Well let me say this Rippln is going to change the game PERIOD!

    What is best for the first time a company is going to reward you for the impact you have on their business.

    Think about it. Imagine if facebook would have shared with you part of the money generated as a result of advertisements served to people who joined facebook because you invited them and the ripple effect that those invites caused as a result of those first guys you invited.

    That is pretty much what is going to happen but 100 times better.

    I have made sure to get in the best team who are in direct contact with the developers so that I can help you succeed if you get in with us.

    Here is a new video that explain what Rippln is and how is going to work


    Check it out and if you have not joined yet please reply back to this email with your name and email and I will get you in the inner circle.

    Is free to join so you got nothing to lose.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2013
  2. supersonic

    supersonic Ads.id Fan

    Aug 7, 2009
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    kok gak ada yang komen yah?

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